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Microdermabrasion with the Reviderm Skin Peeler

With the Reviderm Skin Peeler, we gently and precisely remove the top layers of skin in a soft and controlled manner using a micro-fine jet of crystals. You will be amazed by your soft and even skin after just one treatment. At the same time, your skin is optimally prepared for the active ingredient absorption of the subsequent facial treatments, which are carried out with products tailored to your skin type.

The combination of microdermabrasion and vacuum also stimulates collagen production and increases blood circulation in the skin.
For perfect results, microdermabrasion can also be combined with ultrasound, which acts like a gentle massage on the skin. This will make your skin soft and even.

Microdermabrasion is therefore ideally suited for the treatment of pigment disorders, light and sun damage, skin impurities, acne scars and for pre- and post-treatment for wrinkle injections.